Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fleeing from aliens

I had the longest, most vivid dream. Within the dream, it seemed to last hours, although that could just be perception. Regardless, in my waking state I can only remember a few details.

I was in what appeared to be a Navy ship. Some human-looking aliens were trying to kill or capture all of the humans, so everyone was running every direction from them. At one point I was pretending to be dead under a table while the aliens were in the room. Later, several of us were going up some stairs to escape and one guy in our group just kept blabbing on and on about stupid stuff. I kept telling him to shut up because we needed silence and every advantage in escaping. Later on another guy and I got into a small escape pod. We shot downward and I expected to splash into water, but apparently we were on a train now, so ejected onto the railroad ties between the tracks. We were bouncing around under the train and I was surprised we were missing everything under the train that would probably kill us. We eventually rolled out from under the train and then exited the pod. It was night and we were running down a hill. We joined dozens of other people running through the woods toward a river and perceived safety. There were a few little saucer drones with bright frontal lights searching the woods for the escaping people.

The aliens were probably influenced from me seeing a commercial for V last night. Falling under the train was probably influenced by a couple recent incidents of babies surviving being hit by or falling under trains. I'm not sure what caused the vividness of the dream. I was having bad neck cramps, so I was using Excedrin Back & Body Extra Strength, Bengay, and a very warm heating pad under my neck and head. Maybe I laid exceptionally still because I knew I needed to focus the heating pad on my pain.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fatal gun fight

There was a gun fight between two men. They shot each other at the same time. One of them had the back half of his head shot off, but was somehow going to live, and was being taken away in a wheelchair. The other guy was fatally wounded, but lived long enough to say he was glad to have ruined the guy's life.

I was watching video game reviews on TV yesterday and the player shot the head off a zombie and blood went everywhere. I thought it was too realistic. Some games reward the player for headshots. It's "okay" to die in games because players know they can just keep going.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Toilet mariachi band

The wife and I were house-sitting in a very expensive home. It was one of those places that has more glass than real walls. I was sitting on the toilet and noticed a glass wall next to me, and that the neighbors' dinner party had an excellent view of me, so I closed the wall curtain. Since you can see into every room of the house, I noticed 3 people making their way through the hallways toward me. They lined up about 10 feet in front of me. They were tall and strange, elaborate dress, somewhat resembling a mix between three wise men and a mariachi band. The guy on the right had an enormous staff. As I sat there on the toilet, they performed a song and dance.

I don't know what influenced the majority of the dream, but the large staff was probably because my wife's mage in World of Warcraft gained a huge, thick staff recently, so cartoonishly big that nothing short of giant could even carry it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rabbit and cat fighting in the woods

I was watching a cat and rabbit fight in the woods, but the rabbit was invisible. I figured the cat would tear the rabbit up, but the cat's face started showing signs of unspeakable horror. I noticed the cats guts were all ripped into all the way to his spine, and then large chunks of flesh were ripped out of his head.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Minvan airplanes and billboard sign

Airplanes were shaped like minivans. One was taking off, but had a long wire trailing behind it. At the end of the wire was a bar handle, like what water skiers hold onto. As the plane went up, the wire was rubbing against a billboard sign. When the bar handle reached the billboard sign, it started stretching the sign as if the sign were rubber, and then the sign broke into pieces. Another plane land and they said they were from Yemen.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Raining molten tar

I was living in a small town adjacent to a calm river where the birds only ever flew eastward. One day local boys were throwing pebbles into the river. After a while the pebbles began to sizzle upon impact. All of the birds became large black crows and started flying slowly, backwards, and westward, just as if they were a reversed and slowed video. Occasionally it would rain boiling hot tar for a few seconds, causing everyone to run for cover. We began looking for shelter that would withstand the hot tar. For some reason we assumed this rain would exist forever. We found bathtubs, washers, and dryers that we thought could be modified.

I think that seeking cover in bathtubs, etc may have been influenced by a Cabrini Green gang video yesterday where, on New Year's Eve, people would shoot guns all over just for fun and some residents would hide in bathtubs from stray bullets.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hungry intruder

I was returning home alone to our house on Cherokee St. I entered the front living room, and although I neither heard nor saw an intruder, I just KNEW there was someone in the house. I walked slowly through the house with only a drinking glass raised over my head as a weapon. The only light was from the stove. I eventually noticed a black woman walking toward me. I threatened to throw my raised drinking glass at her. She slowly made her way around the counter and was positioned opposite it from me. She grabbed a large knife from our knife rack. I grabbed one also and asked, "Do you really want to die?" She leaned forward and simply cut a piece of cake. I told her which door she would be leaving from and she made her way to it. Her husband was just outside the door waiting for her.

I think one catalyst for this dream was that I watched Demolition Man a few days ago. In it there were these sewer-dwelling people who would come to the surface to loot for food.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Someone crashed into our parked car

Our car was parked on the street in front of our house. Another car had been speeding and plowed into our car, smashing the front in all the way to the window. I saw two dead bodies laying on the ground. Although sad for the dead, I was thinking that we were going to be getting a free new car.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tudes mixing with nerds

I was at some kind of preppy party that had a small dance floor. All of the cool upper class people we socializing with each other on one side of the room while the nerds were just kind of standing around. I guess I was a nerd because I was sitting by myself. I looked down and noticed I was wearing a t-shirt, my running shorts, and dress shoes. :) There was this extremely charismatic, mature, Italian-looking upper class guy in a nice sweater who was dripping with coolness and authority. Out of the blue he addressed “his people” as “Tudes” (people with snobby attitudes) “Go mix with the others.” Immediately and with no grumbling, all of the preppy people robotically dispersed around the room to the nerds. A girl resembling Geena Davis came to me and asked if I wanted to sit at their table. Of course I said yes.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Factory workers punching a man

A man was walking through a factory. Every twenty feet or so a worker would stop what they were doing and approach the man. The worker would say something like, "Ive been looking for you", then they would trade punches for about ten seconds, after which the worker would go back to his station. The man would continue about twenty feet and another worker would repeat the process.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Killer woman in our Texas house

I was living in our big house in back in Texas. A woman was shooting everyone in the house, but spared three of us kids. She was walking around the house and I hid under a bed. I then thought that the bed would be the first place she would look. I heard her talking to one of the kids in another room, so I made my way to a closet. She came in the room and went straight for the closet. I imagined how easily bullets could go through the clothes. I could clearly see her between some clothes as she was flipping through them and commenting on which ones she liked, although she did not appear to notice me. As she walked away she told me to pack up the ones that she picked. I had not listened to her picks, so I got out and just started putting clothes in suitcases. Another child was helping me. I made several attempts at escaping to call police, but she was always walking around outside just close enough to see me. It was clear that we were going to be travelling with her with her for a long time. I lied and said I wanted to go write the mailbox address down so I could keep in tough with any surviving family. When I was at the mailbox she came around to that side of the yard.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Toilet in the dining room

This is a dream from a coworker, DK.

Against the wall in their dining room was a toilet. It was normal for people to use it while other people were eating, but it was understood that you simply ignore the person while they are on the toilet. They had a boy visiting who did not know the rules, and when DK used the toilet, he stared at her. She yelled that he should not be staring.

The boy was someone DK knew in real life and for no reason other than the dream, she disliked him from that day on.

White station wagon deja vu

This is a dream from a coworker, DK.

As a little girl DK was in a car at a traffic light. A white station wagon pulled up to their right side. A man was looking over into their car.

In real life, a couple weeks later, she was in the car returning from a doctor’s visit. She told her mom that she was having a weird deja vu feeling. She even told her mom that a white station wagon was going to pull up beside her with a man trying to look in their car. Sure enough, it happened exactly like that.

Nighttime robbers and a wet floor

This is a dream from a coworker’s husband, CK.

CK awoke, went downstairs, walked on their wet carpet, noticed their front door was open and many household items were missing. When he looked outside yelled at some guys loading a van. They got in and sped off. Then CK awoke again, thinking he had just dreamed the burglary. He went downstairs again, walked through water, front door open, less items missing, yelled, and burglars sped away. This happened about five times, each time with less household items missing.

CK finally woke up for real, went downstairs, walked on wet carpet and noticed the door was ajar and no items missing. Their upstairs neighbors had a washer that began leaking that night. They do not know why the door was ajar.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Couldn't fly because I thought I was not dreaming

I was gathering people around to show and teach them my flying ability. I took them to a place clear of trees and other obstacles. At that moment I realized that my flying ability was limited to my dreams. I said, "I can't do it." After that reality set in, I noticed how stupid it was to think that I could have actually flown by kicking my feet and flapping my arms.

It's interesting that while in my dream I was aware of my previous dreams, yet thought that I was awake in reality.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sliding tactical police

A tactical police vehicle was speeding down the road. The back of it was round and kind of flattened. There were police in tactical gear hunkered down all around the back. The vehicle turned toward a residential area, then in a calculated, coordinated effort, the vehicle abruptly stopped as the men dove to the ground. They apparently had slick plastic-like pads all over the fronts of their bodies because they all were sliding over sidewalks and through grass toward a specific house. I was standing in their path and had to jump up to not get hit by a couple of them who appeared to be travelling around 50 miles per hour. The adjacent house had residents returning home that began running from the police. The police ended their sliding perfectly just before a house’s door. One policeman opened the screen door while another shot a bunch of bullets into the door. They kicked the door in and another policeman stuck in an electronic probe to detect explosives, then gave the all-clear signal.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Wife chasing me with shotgun

I was in our house and running from my wife. She began to slowly walk up the stairs from the basement with a determined unblinking stare. She was carrying a shotgun in one hand. I took off running with her slowly following me. I went upstairs and hid in our kids’ closet, hunkered down in the stuffed animals. I bumped some electronic toy that started singing. I looked up and the shotgun was pointed right at my face. Without a word she pulled the trigger and the right side of my head was gone. Another shot finished the job.

I think this dream may have spawned from the news about that guy who used a shotgun to kill two men who were robbing his neighbor. Instead of pain, I just felt heavy pressure. With the first shot, instead of fear of pain or death, I was more concerned about how gross it must look.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Severed foot

My wife and I were with our friends, NS and AS. For some reason we were in a hurried jog, on our way to or from something. NS burst out ahead of us, also for an unknown reason. He started limping and slowing down drastically. When we caught up to him, he was sitting. We took the shoe off of the foot he had been limping on, to reveal that his foot had been severed about halfway between the ball and heel. It was a perfectly smooth cut and I could see each of his bones in his flesh. AS told us that it had already been like that and that the doctor's tape must have just come loose.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Failed NASA rocket launch

It was calculated that the Earth would be destroyed in a few months my some astromomical event. Our country decided to send some people in a huge rocket to preserve the human race and I was one of the passengers. On launch day there was a delay of a few hours, so I went back to my house to visit family. I lost track of time then right at launch time I remembered that I was supposed to be at NASA. I switched to the news on the TV and saw the rocket beginning to take off. The rocket lifted up a little, but apparently mechanical malfunctions were causing the rocket to not have enough power to take off. The rocket bounced up and down a few feet high on the launch pad. The news camera zoomed into the bottom of the rocket. We could see NASA people getting burned and crushed by the rocket. The rocket apparently was going to fall over and explode, even though I did not see it on the TV. As I watched I was relieved that I was not on the rocket, partly because of the accident, but mostly for fear of colonizing the unknown. We still knew there was a chance the Earth would not be destroyed, and now I could stay with my family.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Spitting snake bit my daughter

We were in a friend's house and a snake spat poison onto my foot. Later it was on the bed with my youngest daughter. I kept telling her her to get off of the bed, ever increasing my volume each time. I eventually was yelling at the peak of possible human volume. The snake bit her finger and I tried to suck the poison out while she cried.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Grizzly bears in a field

We were walking along a barbed-wire fence and saw that in the field on the other side were about ten grizzly bears. One of them kept trying to jump over the fence to get to us. He finally cleared the fence, then darted directly for me. He would run away then come back to me a couple of times. Then he finally tried to jump back over the fence to the field, but kept getting stuck in the barbed-wire.

This dream may be influenced by us seeing grizzlies on TV yesterday, plus there is a big St. Bernard dog down the street that barks at us and has a low gate that he could easily jump over.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Store in a rough part of town

My wife, two daughters, and myself were driving through a dangerous part of town. I was holking at pedestrians that were just walking around in my way, then I realized I was driving down the sidewalk. We needed to stop at a store for some reason, parked the car and got out. Some young local punk kicked the side of my car. I grabbed his face, yelled at him, then pushed him away. We went into the store, selected our items, then checked out. The clerk was trying to upsell me something called, "Koi Koi", but I could not understand him. I kept asking him to repeat himself, but I could not understand. My wife whispered to me that it was a sex product, so we just left.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Broken glasses during P.E.

I was in school P.E. class when the boy I was playing with broke his glasses. His frames were extremely extravagant, like a masquerade party mask. I felt partly at fault, so I told him that I would pay for a new pair. He told me that these were very expensive and that the company that makes them owns like five or six sky-scrapers in Manhattan. He showed me a page from a glasses catalog and the glasses like his ranged in price from $2000-3000.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Terrorists trying to get into our house

Terrorists were trying to get into our house and I was mentally blaming myself because of what I had previously said about them on the Internet. I thought of how stupid it was to gain so little by bashing them on the Internet and now risking our lives. We had all of the doors and windows locked. I can see them walking past the windows looking for a way in. My Dad and I were sleeping downstairs to help protect the house. Next, I am standing at one of the now open doors and a terrorist is trying to smooth-talk his way into the house. Somehow they all start filing in. One of them is a female with a veil. She stops at me and sneaks a dagger to me.

The dagger looked like the knife-pointer thingie at the end of Treasure Hunters.

Shelley Long & Ted Danson

My wife and I were trying to get to Shelley Long's apartment to visit her, as we were friends apparently. In the courtyard of the apartment complex we run into her husband, Ted Danson. He is in an extreme hurry, has no time for us, and even goes out of his way to avoid us. As we are making our way up the stairs we notice a sad-looking has-been star at their door and I realize that this is how stars live after a decade or so of no serious filmography.

I was reading about Cheers the other day and almost felt sorry for the stars who just fade away over time.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wearing jeans to work

I was driving a flatbed truck up to the company gas pump. I got out and another employee said, "The main boss is irrate that you wore jeans to work!" I told him that I had prior approval from my supervisor to wear jeans today. The main boss came down, learned that I had prior approval, then added, "We need to project a professional image to our customers."

Two events influenced this dream. I actually did ask to wear jeans to work today because I had to crawl under my desk to re-run a lot of computer cables. Also, yesterday while driving home, I was probably driving 65 or 70 mph and a flatbed truck with white cab and silver bed flew right past me, and this truck was identical to the one in my dream.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Motorcycle accident

I was watching a guy in leather ride a wheelie on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. He pulled back too far and the bike flipped completely over on top of him as he lay face down on the street.

This dream was probably influenced by me watching an internet video of a wheelie a few days ago. In the video though, the bike was a crotch-rocket and there was no crash.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Forklift fatality

In a warehouse at a previous job... I looked up and saw a forklift, strangely on a shelf, about ten feet up. A female employee was behind the forklift, at the edge of the shelf. She was pulling on it for some reason. The forklift came loose and fell with the female worker behind it. I looked away because I knew it was going to be horrible. When I looked back again, I could see the forklift and her lying next to it. I ran around the building for about 30 seconds yelling for someone to call for help. I ran back to the forklift and there was a crowd of other workers around her, but they were keeping a distance of about ten feet. When I got to where I could see her, I notice that she was nearly decapitated, with her head hanging on by mere inches of flesh. Her body was writhing and flopping, like a decapitated snake.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Difficult to get into new appartment

We lived in a new appartment which was very difficult to get into. We had to climb onto a brick ledge, maybe 4 or 5 feet high which overlooked a huge bay window into an expensive appartment. We had to balance around the edge of that wall, then climb into window of our appartment.

I suppose this falls into the theme of many of my dreams where I am trying to overcome some physical difficulty. The difference here is that unlike in other dreams where I can't overcome the difficulty, I was able to get into the window.

Mickey pulling Donald out of a septic tank

For some reason, Mickey Mouse was pulling Donald Duck out of a septic tank with a rope.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Something crawling in the walls

I heard something moving within my bedroom walls. I was following it around and listening closely. I stopped at an air duct and saw something moving in there. It was a bird and it started sticking its beak through the duck slots. I unscrewed the screws and removed the duct plate. The bird plopped happily onto the bed. It was a huge blue and green exotic bird. I picked him up and he seemed to be play-biting my fingers. I put him in the bathroom for safety and closed the door. Our cat “Siam” was outside the bathroom looking around because he knew something was going on. I started knocking on the doors of neighbors to see if they had lost a bird, but nobody was answering. Then I noticed that behind where our car was parked were several plastic totes that we use for Christmas decorations. Some were empty and some had lights. I began stacking them.

Two events in the past influenced this dream. When I was a teen, we had an opossum that had crawled into our floor duct work. Also there was something crawling in a wall of a room I stayed in once and I never figured out what it was.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Marathon / suicide

I was trying to drive through a town, but every time I turned, there were wall-to-wall marathon runners coming at me. I turned around to backtrack and noticed an empty street, except for about ten people standing around a stopped car in the middle of the street. When I got closer I noticed that it was a limousine and the people were standing in a circle around a lifeless black man in a nice suit. He was laid out on the ground next to an open door and had a pistol in his hand. Even though I looked, I saw no blood.

The marathon part of this dream actually happened to me. San Diego was hosting the Rock & Roll Marathon and I was dumb enough to be trying to drive somewhere. Nearly every road was blocked by police barricades for the marathon. I was mad because a handful of people are allowed to inconvenience the other tax-payers for half a day when there are plenty of other open-land places that people can run outside of the city.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Stolen bike

I was looking all around my house for my mountain bike that I was sure had been stolen.

When I was young, I knew that this guy had stolen my bike and he denied it. I never found the bike.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Jumped by gangsters

I was on my skateboard (even though I’ve never skated in real life) and my two daughters (9 and 10 yr old) were running beside me. We were on our way to our house, about a block away. I saw a big black pickup truck with some guys in the back go down an ally behind our house. Three of them came around the house running and shooting at us. They shot my youngest and my instinct was to grab my oldest and run because there was absolutely no chance at all of winning in this situation. They had my oldest and I cornered and I noticed they were Hispanic and part of a local gang. For some reason they did not shoot us now. They told me that they did this because my daughters were always rudely ignoring them. As they ran we sprinted back to the house. There was blood and my wife had taken our youngest inside. She was awake and well-to-do, although my wife was showing me the hole in our youngest’s back. The next day I was looking around the neighborhood for the truck and I found it. My wife and I decided though that the threat was over now and that if we turned them in, that there would be more to finish the job soon.

We always tell our kids to avoid and never talk to strangers. On top of that, our youngest is naturally shy, even to friends, such to the point that she sometimes will not return a "hello" or a wave.

Demon in the hallway

I was in a hallway and there was a locked door at the end. It started unlocking and opened apparently by itself. I knew it was a demon that surely meant me harm. I immediately began praying to Jesus, who often cast out demons in the Bible. During my praying, I began levitating.

I immediately woke up and told my wife the dream. She told me that she was about to wake me anyway because I was breathing rapid shallow breaths.

Urinating on the couch

I was urinating and notice that a young couple was watching me. I continued, then noticed we were all in a living room and I was urinating on a couch cushion. After I was done and walking away, the guy caught up to me and asked why I did that. I told him that I must have been asleep.

Bugs in the bag

I was eating some trail or Chex mix from a bag. I noticed that the bottom of the bag had rat scratches and a hole with rat feces in it. I dumped the bag out and a bunch of little white squishy spiders began spreading everywhere. I promptly began spitting out what was in my mouth already.

When I was very young, I was dumping Nestle Quick chocolate powder into a glass of milk and noticed some little bugs swimming in the glass. I looked into the Quick container and it was teeming with them.

Train wreck

I was working as a switch operator in a train station. For some reason I was at home during my shift, yet was operating the train switches via the internet. I must have looked away at the wrong time because on my video feed I saw trains colliding and then fire, people, and wreckage everywhere.

I suppose at least the graphic part of this dream was fueled by the television media's coverage of catastrophes.